Members typically find the "Install the eKey application" and "Reset the authorization code" options most helpful.The most current Supra® lockbox model available to SAMCAR members is the iBox BT LE, which can be identified by the engraved marker on the front of the lockbox. If your phone crashes over the weekend and you have to get a new one, please use the "Supra eKey Resources" available on You will want to locate the "Customer Support" tab, followed by the "eKey Resources" sub-tab.
#Supra ibox bt le code
If you have a service other than Supra, you may request a times access code from the listing agent. How can I access a CAAR lockbox?Ī: If you have Supra service through your current board, call the CAAR office to see if it can be co-op'd to open our lockboxes.

You also will provide them with your PIN. You will most likely have to provide the cooperating association with your key, or serial, number located on the back of your display key or from the booklet given to you with your eKey. How do I do that?Ī: You will have to call that association for its instructions on cooperating your key. Q: I want my key to work on other associations' lockboxes. If you have signed up for SupraWeb, you may generate your own authorization code from that page. What do I do now?Ī: Call the CAAR office for a new authorization code or call Supra at 87.
#Supra ibox bt le update
If you need an emergency update code or authorization code, please call Supra at 87 or call the CAAR office. Search and download the eKey app by SupraĪ: Make sre you can connect to WiFi and then select UPDATE on your app to update your phone.

#Supra ibox bt le password
You must have your Apple ID Password available before you can download the eKey app. At that time you will be able to use the instructions below to download the eKey mobile application (app) by Supra to your phone.
#Supra ibox bt le serial
Once you have registered with CAAR for eKey service, you will be given a serial number. If you want to purchase eKey service, you will need to complete the Lockbox System Policy, which can be found in the CAAR Agent Membership Packet. Key lease fee (for new users) = $50 (one-time activation fee).Ī: You may gain access to a lockbox with an eKey (through Bluetooth on your phone). Want to know more about what these iBoxes can do? Welcome to the iBox BT LE resources page! FAQs:Ī: You can purchase a lockbox from the CAAR office.Ī: eKey Basic = $90 per quarter. Please note that iPhone and iPad devices released before the iPhone 4S require a small adapter to communicate with the iBox BT LE. The iBox BT LE communicates directly with most phones or tablets via infrared, Bluetooth and low-energy Bluetooth technologies. ** Important note: the shackle will completely release from iBox.

For display key users there is no need to push up on the key container. Go to your eKey app on your smartphone and select Obtain Key and enter your PIN to open the box. To open key container, push up on bottom of box until light blinks on front of box.The shackle is completely removed from the key box for easy handling when placing the iBox BT LE on a property. IBox BT LE is equipped with the same large key container as the previous model, that can hold both gate cards and keys. No additional hardware is required for most phones, including the newest models of iPhone and iPad.The new version of Supra eKey app requires: You may have this service on multiple devices but may only use one of them at a time to open a lockbox. More models of smartphones and tablets communicate directly with iBox BT LE than any other Supra key box.